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Pupil Leave of Absence

Pupil Leave of Absence during term time

(Guidance from the Department of Education)

The Department of Education has made amendments to the 2006 regulations.  These make it clear that Head Teachers may not grant leave of absence during term time unless there are ‘exceptional circumstances’.  In the light of these changes parents and carers need to be aware that it will no longer be possible to authorise leave of absence unless the ‘exceptional circumstances’ have been explained.  Reasons such as "cheaper in term time" or "more convenient" are no longer acceptable.

We publish the dates of school terms well in advance of the start of the new school year, to help you plan your holidays. When you book your holiday, please check that it does not clash with the school terms.

However, we understand that occasionally time off cannot be avoided during term time, but this must be applied for in advance and is at the Headteacher's discretion. Please do not assume that you will automatically get permission for the absence because you have filled in a holiday request form.

Please complete and return the form to the school office if you need to request time for a child to have permissive leave during term time. Please wait to hear if the Headteacher agrees to your request.

Leave of Absence Request Form

SPT Attendance Policy